Okay so he has been here for 8 weeks now….WOW! I know I can’t believe that either! I have been feeling soooooo much better for 8 weeks now. I was so huge and so uncomfortable the last few months I was pregnant. After begging my Doctor to just take Baby Aaha out NOW, he came 2 days prior to our original plan! I took in chocolate chip cookies as a thank you for granting my wishes! LOL

Baby Aaha became Alex on St. Patrick’s Day!!! He was born weighing 9 pounds, 5 ounces!!!! BIG BOY!!! Although I still find him to be my tiny little ball of squish!!! I just can’t help kissing him all over and I will continue until he won’t let me anymore! 🙂 I did have another C-section and all went well. We came home and were so excited to see Claire and she is in love with Alex from the moment she saw him. She calls him her baby and always wants to hold him and see him. By “see him” she means her face just 2 inches from his because sitting nearby just isn’t enough apparently.
Everyone is doing well and I am slowly getting back into a groove. Things are still crazy since babies aren’t very routine and Claire is done with school next week so I really don’t know what my new schedule will be. I am still posting regularly on my Facebook Page – Laura’s Stamp Pad. That is the best place to see inspiration and details regularly! Email and text is always open for you to reach me with questions as well! I am still responding to those fairly quickly!
Thank you all for your kind words, encouragement, and patience with me during the pregnancy with Baby Aaha and now that Alex is here!! You all mean so much to me and I appreciate you!
Happy Stampin’
Congratulations! He’s beautiful!
Thank you!!! ~Laura