Last Saturday was my All Day Craft Retreat and it was the best day!!! Everyone had such a great time and stayed the entire time! It was also a cloudy, rainy, cold day outside which made crafting inside even more wonderful!!!
We had a wonderful day creating and actually accomplishing some projects! Some worked on Christmas Cards like me! My Mom came down and we created 65 Christmas Cards for her to send out!! A few worked on coloring and creating Kit Collection and Paper Pumpkin Kits. Another worked on a Disney Scrapbook for her daughter! We all enjoyed wandering from table to table to check out and chat with everyone on what they were doing!
The theme this year was Snowmen and Penguins and I used the Snowy Scenes Suite! Everyone got a name tag, collapsible trash bin, and a few sheets of the Snowy Scenes Designer Paper! We enjoyed a few games for Door Prizes and everyone got to pick their favorite!
My favorite part at each Retreat is the pizza at supper time! We always gather around a table and chat and eat! It is such a wonderful time of togetherness that I enjoy so much! It fills my heart with joy!
I’m working on the details for a Spring Retreat so stay tuned! You won’t want to miss the next one!
Today is my Grandma’s Birthday. While she hasn’t been with us for many many years, I feel like she is still with me often. Some of you may have heard me tell the story about my plants that I got at her funeral moved often. I told the plants I was getting married and it moved and a few other weird times. Crazy for sure, I know but still it happened! She is my why for continuing what I love with Stampin’ Up! too!
My Grandma was the best! She had all of the patience ever it seemed! My Grandma was so sweet and happy to help any moment she could! She was tough but her hugs could take anyone’s stress or sadness away. In the photo above, we were making Apple Butter. Growing up we did this almost yearly! It was an entire weekend of activities and it was so much fun! I love how even Brad got to participate in this.
My Grandma also never forgot someone’s birthday! This is a lot since she had 10 kids of her own, most of them married and all but 2 had more than 1 child. Our family is huge and she had them all on her calendar! She passed away just after I graduated college. At that time I had been a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator for a few years. I was mostly a scrapbooker at this time! Slowly, I got into card making more and I think there was some form of push or unspoken words that lead me down that path. I added all of my cousins, aunts, and uncles birthday’s to my calendar and I sent them cards. To me it felt like my Grandma passed me the baton or something. I was happy to take it and still enjoying keeping her legacy alive!
If you have ever thought about joining Stampin’ Up! now is the time! Do you want to spread love and joy to others with birthday and anniversary cards while also getting a discount on your products?! Now is the time to jump in and join Stampin’ Up! and my Fabulous Friends Family! You get to pick out $155 in any product you would like and it’s just $99 with free shipping and a Paper Pumpkin Kit too! This is an amazing offer you don’t want to miss! If anything, try it out and see! There is no penalty for wanting to drop as a demonstrator! Reach out if you have any questions too!
Wishing you a wonderful day today! Eat a cupcake in honor of my Grandma’s Birthday and my why! Hug your loved ones! Send a card in the mail!! Take a leap and join Stampin’ Up!
Happy June!!!! Summer is officially here and we are having fun. Remind of this in a few weeks maybe. LOL I have been playing a little bit more than I have been working so bare with me if I seem a little quiet and MIA. After all you know that’s totally not like me to be quiet! 🙂 I have to let you all know of the amazing special Stampin’ Up! is having this month those – an Additional 10% Off Bundle!!!! WOOT WOOT!
That means that you save an additional 10% on all stamp and die bundles! When I say additional that means 20% off now because they are always 10% off! Woot Woot!!! All month long, add some new bundles to your collection with this great deal. You can shop all qualifying bundles here.
But wait there is more!!! Save 10% on the Stampin’ Cut & Emboss Machine and mini machine too. If you have been wanting to jump into die cutting but waiting for the right time, NOW IS THE TIME! Or if you have the big one, it’s time to grab the Mini because that thing is just so cute and handy! I love my Mini soooooo much and use it like 95% of the time! It’s just light weight, small, and easy to have right there on your crafting area. There is also a fun Boho Blue one!!! No need to wait—the sale has already begun so grab them now!
Summer Fun
Here are just a few pictures of our summer so far! We have played in the water A LOT! Whether it’s the city draining a fire hydrant, the neighbor’s pool, our kiddy pool, or the creek at my parents, my kids are loving it all! We take multiple daily walks where I am the only one who typically walks! The kids ride on scooters, bikes, the ziggle, or the jeep! One more, Alex insisted on wearing his shark robe. It was like 75+ degrees outside. It wasn’t a battle I thought was worth fighting! Claire loves the monkey bars and could do them for hours on end. Afternoon snuggle time/nap time happens so we can get through the day with late evenings at VBS! This week it goes to 8:45 p.m. I signed up to volunteer so I have been able to attend the rallies and they are just AMAZING!
I hope you all are having a wonderful summer so far! As the temps go up, we tend to spend afternoons inside so grab your stamps and enjoy some crafting alone or with friends and family! Don’t forget that the Kit Collection launched 2 new kits this month too! So many great options at different price points and stamping levels! I’ll post a few below but you can check out all of them here!
Today is my 20th Anniversary with Stampin’ Up! I am so surprised and emotional about this because Stampin’ Up! has changed my life so much and added so much joy to my life!!! I can soooo thankful for going to that workshop in college!!!
I signed up in college after attending my first workshop that a college roommate invited me too. She said, “you are a scrapbooker, let’s go!” I was game for any way to procrastinate on school stuff. My mind was blown on all of the goodies. I fell in love with alphabet stamps because then I would have endless letters rather than having to buy sticker sheets. My first product was my Starter Kit! I wanted the discount. Throughout college, I mostly bought for myself but sold to a few fellow scrapbookers too!
When I graduated college, I moved to Edwardsville and reached out to the local library. I started doing classes there and my business really took off from there. Craft fairs (which I no longer do), library classes, classes in my apartment (and now home), and various other events along the way kept me active and loving what I was doing. I had a full time job at a hotel during this time but that went south after while. After a year or so I looking for another job, I finally threw in the towel and we decided it was best for me to quit that job but keep looking. During this time, I started doing classes and events during the day and eventually I quit looking for another job! And now here I am still doing Stampin’ Up! full time!!!
I love the creative outlet it gives me. The flexibility that I have had through the moves, life changes, kids, etc. has been amazing! It’s crazy to see how much Stampin’ Up! has changed and also how much I have changed over the years! I’m loving what I do and sharing what I love! You can check it all out on my YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest,Etsy Page, and here on my blog!!!
Be sure to follow me for inspiration, fun, and details about upcoming events!! I would love to stamp and share creativity with you for the next 20 years! Also, if you are interested in joining Stampin’ Up!, click here to join the fun! You can also celebrate with me by placing an order with the Hostess Code: CHJXMVEB to get a 20th Anniversary Special from me. You will also get the Free Gift if your order is over $75!!! Click here to shop!
In honor of Galentine’s Day, I thought I would share a few of my amazing Galentine’s who stamp with me!!! It has been almost 20 years that I have been a demonstrator and I have met some amazing people through the years!!!
Over the 20 years I have been a demonstrator, I have gone through A LOT of life changes/events. I started holding classes in my teeny tiny apartment with no overhead lights. Those who came to my classes there….you are AMAZING! It was so tight in that room and dark and the stairs to get to that apartment were a bit scary!
Next, I moved into a townhouse that was fabulous. We stamped in the kitchen. When my classes were really big, I had to get out the “kid’s table” (aka a card table) and we squished into that room and had a great time! I was always forgetting something so I had to run upstairs to my stamp room to get whatever it was. We always laughed about how many times I had to go up there.
I lost my grandparents and so many of my stampers were there for me. During one class, I got a phone call about my Grandpa not doing well and everyone said they would leave so I could go. I decided to go the next day instead but it was so nice to have such wonderful support during those times.
Brad and I got married and then came the pregnancies! Everyone was so supportive and amazing through all of them. Some knew about my first pregnancy and the miscarriage. Then we had the joy of the second pregnancy and I had so many blessings poured upon us. I felt like every class/event I did that Spring was a celebration. The surprise I got when I walked into class in Paris and at the Library from the ladies was just amazing! I also had a full blown Baby Shower thrown by 2 of my close stampers. Baby Ziggy was so loved and has so many “aunts” and “grandmas.” I got a lot of support during my pregnancy with Alex as well even though it was partially during covid times.
I could share a million stories because of course I’m a talker but also the more I type these the more I think of. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about the love, support, happiness, and fun I have had over the years with Stampin’ Up! and meeting all of you! Near or far, I love you all and you are the best Gals a girl could ask for! Happy Galentine’s Day to you today and every day!!! May we continue to love and support one another!
Stampin’ Up! has an amazing offer this month and I really think it’s the best deal ever! You have options too! We all love options because then we feel like it’s tailored to us! AND THIS IS!!!!
This month Stampin’ Up! is celebrating 35 Years in Business! They are offering an amazing “35% Off or 35% More Product” Special! You get to pick which one fits you the best. Spending less money or getting more product in your Starter Kit! So let’s see the details….
Option 1: Get 35% OFF the normal cost of a Stampin’ Up! Starter Kit.
Those who select this option will receive $125 worth of product for only
Option 2: Get 35% MORE product with their Starter Kit. Those who select this option will receive $168.75 worth of product by spending $99.
But wait there is more! You also get FREE Registration to Stampin’ Up’s Virtual OnStage Event in November! That’s a $77 value! Joining this month with this amazing offer, getting your goodies in the mail, and then celebrating and being inspired by the Stampin’ Up! event all within 30 days is AMAZING!!!
I’m so excited about this offer and just want to share with everyone because who doesn’t love a good deal. We tell our friend about good deals so I’m telling you all! PLUS, I would love to have you in my Fabulous Friends Stamp Family.
Just this past weekend, one of my stamp family members from Delaware was coming to Illinois for a visit. She let me know and asked if I would meet up with her and I 100% said YES! So on Sunday I drove 2 hours to Casey, IL to meet her and it was fabulous! We walked around town and enjoyed lunch together while chatting stamping and life! My heart was fun and I can’t wait stamp and chat with her again in person! Near or far, I love my Stamp Family and the connections we make.
I said it and I’ll say it again….Momming Is Hard! So I want to give a big shout out to all the moms out there! You are amazing! You are doing a great job! I see you!!!
I wish I could make a million of these cards and mail them to all the Moms out there or for nurse to hand out. Being a mom for a little over 5 years has been crazy hard so far and I can only imagine there is more to come.
The roller coaster of emotions that we go through each day or week or month. We love our children so much but geez sometimes we need to jut get away from them. Hearing their laughter and sweet baby words is amazing but Momma, Momma, Momma a million times before 8 a.m. is enough to make anyone go insane. The mental overload of schedules, snacks, activities, laundry, friendships, and did I remember to say I love before they fell asleep. Trying to find me time and time to work my business is so hard.
I’m so thankful for healthy, amazing children and being able to spend so much time with them growing up. I love that my job is flexible and I have been able to scale up or down when needed. All of that has been amazing and I am forever grateful! I also LOVE each and every one of you. Throughout the years, you have been here for me and that means a lot! This Momma needs you and has loved knowing I have a bit of an “out” even if it’s on my computer, in front of my camera, or at my classes!
So let’s all take a deep breath, pat ourselves on the back and say, “I AM AMAZING!” You truly are! And Momming is hard! Love and hugs to all of you!
It’s been 2 weeks since we got home from New Orleans for Stampin’ Up BackStage and I’m still in awe of the amaziness! Stampin’ Up! ended the event with a traditional Second Line Parade through the streets just for us! It was so FABULOUS!!!
This event was for leaders and while we didn’t do any stamping, we still had so much fun! Brad and I drove down on Thursday! Yes, it is 10 hours but really it wasn’t that bad. As parents of 2 children, it was actually really nice to just sit in a car and do nothing for that long without listening to children. LOL We listened to a book and taked a lot! Okay, if you know us, you know I talked the most! 🙂
Thursday night started with Sweets and Swaps where I swapped 50 cards that I created all the same! In return I got 50 different cards from demonstrators all over the world! YEP! Some from the Netherlands, Germany, Australia, Canada, and more! We had fabulous entertainment and lots and lots of sweets!
Day 2 of BackStage in New Orleans!
Friday morning, Brad and I enjoyed our first beignets at Cafe Beignet right across the street. Um……they were amazing but not what I expected and very heavy. They smell like funnel cakes but they are more dense. It’s almost like a dinner roll meets croissant meets powdered sugar. SO MUCH POWDERED SUGAR! I headed off to General Session and Classes for the day while Brad headed to the WWII Museum. We both were blown away! That evening Brad and I got to walk the streets hand in hand and check out New Orleans!
Day 3 of BackStage in New Orleans!
Saturday morning, Brad and I had breakfast at The Ruby Slipper. It was fabulous! Then I was off to more classes and General Session. Brad went to the Jazz Museum and ventured around! We got to enjoy dinner together and tell about our days. Then the final party……AMAZING! We walked in and got a boa, mask, and umbrella to dress the part! A little while later a band came walking into the room and walking around. We gathered behind them and followed…..down 2 escalators and out the front door of the hotel. We were greeted by a blocked off street, dancers, and a bigger band and off we went. It was so cool! There were times I felt so moved by the music and taking it all in, I could have cried. I have a video of some of it just to give you a taste of what it was like! Click here! We got back to the hotel and enjoyed so much New Orleans style food!
Thank you so much to Stampin’ Up for the amazing trip for Stampin’ Up BackStage and getting Brad and I out of the house! It was exactly what we needed! I can’t say New Orleans is a city I care to visit again but it was a fun experience! Can’t wait for the new adventure with Stampin’ Up! If you would like to join in the fun! Click here to join my Fabulous Friends Stamp Team!!!
Brad and I are headed to NOLA this week for Stampin’ Up’s Backstage Event! We are so excited to get out of the house for a mini vacation without the kids! Woot Woot!
Be sure to follow our adventures over on my Facebook Page – Laura’s Stamp Pad! I will be posting about our adventures and yummy food!!! I will share as much as I can of the Stampin’ Up Event! If you have any suggestions on places to eat or things to see, be sure to let us know! Brad will have 2 full days to sightsee and explore while I am attending Backstage. Then in the evening, I will be able to join him!
Don’t forget that Sale-A-Bration ends at the end of August so there are only a few more days to earn Freebies!!! Click here to shop and earn! Order $75 or more and you will earn the Free Paper Pack of the Month which is the Gold & Rose Gold Paper Pack!
I will do my best to return messages while we are gone but if not I will get back to you next week! Have a wonderful week and wish us luck on our travels!
Stampin’ Up is an amazing company and I’m excited to say I’m a part of it! Last week, I should have been on the Incentive Trip but it was cancelled. Instead, Stampin’ Up! gave a cash bonus as well as some fabulous goodies! It was super fun getting these items and I enjoyed being so spoiled!!!
There were 437 demonstrators who earned the trip last year and I am one of them! Eeeeee That is less than 1% of the company! There were 278 earners from United States and the rest from 8 other countries!
This box of goodies was so exciting…..for all of us! Claire kept asking if it was for her! The packaging was gorgeous and now I have another box to put in my Stamp Pad as decoration! LOL Who knows what I will do when I have no more room. The robe is HUGE and cozy and amazing! It just may swallow me whole.
I wanted to also take this chance to say THANK YOU to all of you! I couldn’t do this without all of you! The likes, the shares, the orders, the class attendance….all of it means so much to me! I am so thankful for Stampin’ Up bringing all of us together. The relationships and opportunities I have gotten over the years have really been amazing! All of the love and support you all share with me also makes me feel so spoiled! <3 From the bottom of my heart, thank you!!!
If you are interested in joing the Stampin’ Up family! Don’t forget about the amazing In Color Starter Kit going on this month!!! Click here for all of the details!!! You can always reach out if you have any questions at all!