Additional 10% Off!!!

Happy June!!!! Summer is officially here and we are having fun. Remind of this in a few weeks maybe. LOL I have been playing a little bit more than I have been working so bare with me if I seem a little quiet and MIA. After all you know that’s totally not like me to be quiet! 🙂 I have to let you all know of the amazing special Stampin’ Up! is having this month those – an Additional 10% Off Bundle!!!! WOOT WOOT!

Additional 10% Off,

That means that you save an additional 10% on all stamp and die bundles! When I say additional that means 20% off now because they are always 10% off! Woot Woot!!! All month long, add some new bundles to your collection with this great deal. You can shop all qualifying bundles here.

But wait there is more!!! Save 10% on the Stampin’ Cut & Emboss Machine and mini machine too. If you have been wanting to jump into die cutting but waiting for the right time, NOW IS THE TIME! Or if you have the big one, it’s time to grab the Mini because that thing is just so cute and handy! I love my Mini soooooo much and use it like 95% of the time! It’s just light weight, small, and easy to have right there on your crafting area. There is also a fun Boho Blue one!!! No need to wait—the sale has already begun so grab them now!

Summer Fun

Summer Fun,

Here are just a few pictures of our summer so far! We have played in the water A LOT! Whether it’s the city draining a fire hydrant, the neighbor’s pool, our kiddy pool, or the creek at my parents, my kids are loving it all! We take multiple daily walks where I am the only one who typically walks! The kids ride on scooters, bikes, the ziggle, or the jeep! One more, Alex insisted on wearing his shark robe. It was like 75+ degrees outside. It wasn’t a battle I thought was worth fighting! Claire loves the monkey bars and could do them for hours on end. Afternoon snuggle time/nap time happens so we can get through the day with late evenings at VBS! This week it goes to 8:45 p.m. I signed up to volunteer so I have been able to attend the rallies and they are just AMAZING!

I hope you all are having a wonderful summer so far! As the temps go up, we tend to spend afternoons inside so grab your stamps and enjoy some crafting alone or with friends and family! Don’t forget that the Kit Collection launched 2 new kits this month too! So many great options at different price points and stamping levels! I’ll post a few below but you can check out all of them here!

Happy Stampin’

~Laura Borchert

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