Get your Door Busters today only (November 20th)!!!!!
30% off these big ticket favorites!!
~Stampin’ Trimmer, #126889, Reg: $29.95; SALE: $20.97
~Simply Scored Diagonal Plate, #125586, Reg: $11.95; SALE: $8.37
~Many Marvelous Markers, #131264, Reg: $109.95; SALE: $76.97
Check out the entire Holiday Sale here! So many fabulous items at 20%, 25%, 30%, 40% and even 50% off!!!! Great time to get a few gift items for a Friend or stock up on a few items for yourself! After all, the winter season is upon us and there will be lots of time spent in the house over the next few months!
Also, don’t forget the Weekly Specials that are on sale all week!!! You can email me your order or order online!
Happy Shoppin’